Pursuant to the provisions of Ch. 66.1001 and Ch. 60.22(3) Wis. Stats., the Taycheedah Town Board of Supervisors, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin does ordain as follows:
Having completed the Town of Taycheedah Comprehensive Plan, in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Wisconsin’s Smart Growth Law, 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, and defined in Ch. 66.1001 Wis. Stats., and as recommended for adoption by the Comprehensive Planning Committee on March 19,2009 , and posted in accordance with Class I Public Notice requirements, the Taycheedah Town Board of Supervisors hereby adopts the Town of Taycheedah Comprehensive Plan as the guide for future land use and development decisions in the Town. All programs and actions of the Town that affect land use shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan. This includes any other ordinances, plans, or regulations of the Town that relate to land use, including, but not limited to: Local Subdivision Regulation under s. 236.45, Town Zoning Ordinances under s. 60.62, Land Acquisition for Recreational Lands under s. 23.09(20), and Construction Site Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Zoning under s. 61.354.
On January 29, 2009, the Town of Taycheedah Comprehensive Planning Committee recommended the Town of Taycheedah Comprehensive Plan to be distributed, in accordance with 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, as the Town’s recommended plan.
Copies of the recommended plan were forwarded to the neighboring communities, East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, local School Districts, Fond du Lac County, and Wisconsin Department of Administration. Prior to the public hearing, written comments from those agencies and governments were requested by March 19, 2009. Copies of the recommended plan have been displayed on the project website (www.omnni.com), at the Town Hall and by appointment with the Town Clerk for 30 days prior to the public hearing.
Following the public hearing, the Comprehensive Planning Committee recommended the Town Board of Supervisors, subject to corrections and comments received during the 30-day comment period and public hearing, adopt the Town of Taycheedah Comprehensive Plan.
This ordinance is enacted pursuant to power granted by virtue of present Wisconsin Statutes, including Section 66.1001(4)(c).
Comprehensive Plan is a plan for development that recognizes the physical, economic, social, political, aesthetic, and related factors of the community. As required by the Wisconsin Smart Growth Legislation, the comprehensive plan addresses nine (9) required plan elements: Issues & Opportunities, Housing, Transportation, Agriculture Natural & Cultural Resources, Economic Development, Land Use, Intergovernmental Coordination and Implementation.
The Town of Taycheedah Plan Commission shall review and recommend all subsequent amendments to the plan to the Town Board of Supervisors. All amendments shall require a public hearing and Class I Public Notice. Copies of the recommended and approved changes shall be mailed to all neighboring units of government and affected agencies, in accordance with the Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.1001(4)(b) requirements for recommendation of the original plan.
This ordinance takes effect upon January 1, 2010.